Antique & Vintage Silver

35613 item(s)

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  • 35613 item(s)

1930s three piece silver cruet set, comprising mustard pot with cover, salt and pepper shakers, together with 1960s toast rack and open salt, both...

Portmeirion Greek Key pattern part coffee service, early 20th tea set, Nelson and His Times book, Navy and Army in two volumes, and other ceramics...

Lot 5034

Group of silver

Group of silver, comprising modern bookmark, jewellery box, Austrian silver snuff box, two swizzle sticks, pocket watch holder and photograph fram...

Brass jewellery casket, with five pietra dura panels, H10cm

Five silver mounted dressing table items, comprising two hand mirrors, two hair brushes and a clothes brush, all of varying design, all hallmarked

Collection of Oriental ceramics, including plates, twin handled bowl, bowl, cup, etc

Danish silver plated four piece tea service, comprising teapot, milk jug, hot water jug and covered sucrier

Nodding pagoda Around 1900 Porcelain, colorfully painted Height 10 cm Wackelpagode Um 1900 Porzellan bunt staffiert Höhe 10 cm

Pair of 19th century bowls with pierced side, decorated with floral sprigs, together with two pierced plates with similar designs, bowls D20cm

Lot 859

Eisbär, KPM

Polar bear KPM Glazed porcelain Height 26 cm Marked Eisbär KPM Porzellan glasiert Höhe 26 cm Gemarkt

Sitting boxer Ceramic, colorfully painted Height 86 cm Sitzender Boxer Keramik bunt staffiert Höhe 86 cm

Pärchen polnische Silberleuchter Silber gest. 'SR 84' 'M. Rozenblat', 663g

Nodding pagoda Around 1900 Porcelain, colorfully painted Height 11 cm Wackelpagode Um 1900 Porzellan bunt staffiert Höhe 11 cm

Small war cup Metal, gold-plated inside Height 10 cm Kleiner Kriegsbecher Metall innen vergoldet Höhe 10 cm

Six Capodimonte and similar figures, including Fisherman, Eagle and tramp examples, tallest

Large collection of art glass, including examples from Strathearn and Selkirk etc

Three cased canteens of cutlery, including a set of fish knives

Emperor's cup Metal, gold-plated inside Height 14,5 cm Kaiserbecher Metall innen vergoldet Höhe 14,5 cm

Spoon Silver marked Length 10,5 cm Weight 53 g Löffel Silber gemarkt Länge 10,5 cm Gewicht 53 g

Convolute porcelain Augarten design "German single flower" with wavy golden and green rim Consisting of: 1 soup tureen with lid, diameter 27 cm & ...

Coffee service 24-piece Cobalt net with gilt accents Lomonosov Porcelain Manufactory/Imperial Procelain Factory Tsarist porcelain hand-painted Con...

Königl. Meissen, Unterglasurblaue Marke ( Knaufzeit) 1850-1924,1.Wahl: 2 Durchbruchteller mit Blumen und Insekten,19.Jhd. Porzellan mit polychrome...

2 Salieren Moskau 1851 und London 1738 1: Schwere Ausführung mit breitem Rocaillenrand, ziseliert und vergoldet, 9,5x4cm, Assayer PA 1851 Meister ...

Herend tea service Walls with gold rims and colorfully painted butterflies and large flowering branches Consisting of: 1 teapot with lid with rose...

Staatlich Meissen, Unterglasurblaue Schwertermarke Pfeifferzeit 1918 bis 1933: große Bonboniere, B-Form mit Streublume Porzellan mit reicvher verg...

Herend mocha service Walls with gold rims and colorfully painted butterflies and large flowering branches Consisting of: 1 coffee pot with lid wit...

Mocha service Herend 11-piece Consisting of: 1 mocha pot, height 17 cm & length 15 cm 1 sugar bowl, height 9 cm & length 13 cm 1 milk jug, height ...

Staatlich Meissen, Unterglasurblaue Schwertermarke 1934-heute: Sehr großes Speiseservice "blaue Blume" 137tlg. Porzellan unterglasur blau bemalt, ...

Pärchen aussergewöhnliche Renaissancestil Salznäpfe Gegossen, getrieben, fein punziert und ziseliert und vergoldet, 3 vollplastische Sphinxfüssche...

Augarten porcelain Décor 5089 Viennese Rose Consisting of: 2 cups, height 10.5 cm 6 cups, height 5.8 cm 2 cups, height 7.8 cm 7 vases, height 12....

Silver bowl with enamel Georg Jensen Special design for Georg Jensen for the 75th anniversary Designed by Henning Koppel Only 200 pieces were ma...

Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule around 1910 Bowl Ceramic, light body, colored glaze Height 9 cm Diameter 19.6 cm Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule um 1910 Sch...

Group of silver and silver handled cutlery, including caddy spoons, thimble, propelling pencil, fruit knife, etc, all stamped or hallmarked Cond...

Goldscheider Vienna Vase with handle Around 1925/30 Ceramic, red body Expressively painted Marked on the bottom Goldscheider Vienna, Made in Aust...

Zsolnay, Pécs Bust Ceramic, light-colored body Glazed white Height 13 cm, width 8.5 cm Inside with round five-tower mark in relief, Monogrammed ...

Lot 926

Becher, Böhmen

Mug Bohemia 19th century Byzantine-Russian coat of arms (tsarist eagle?) Colorless glass, frosted on the wall Rubbed gold rim Height 10.5 cm Bech...

Staatlich Meissen, Unterglasurblaue Schwertermarke, Knaufzeit, 1850-1924: 2 Miniatur Teetassen, Streublume, 19.Jhd. Porzellan mit polychromer Blum...

Lidded box in the shape of a fruit Judaica 19th/20th century Unmarked silver Circumferential Hebrew inscription Length 16 cm, height 10 cm Weight ...

2 small top bowls England Silver marked Height 6 cm, diameter 11 cm Total weight 246.9 g 2 kleine Aufsatzschalen England Silber gemarkt Höhe 6 cm,...

Collection of silver napkin rings and flatware, including set of Chinese bamboo design teaspoons with character mark finials, stamped 90, three pa...

Modern silver mounted photograph frame, of rectangular form with reed and ribbon border, hallmarked Carr's of Sheffield Ltd, Sheffield 2000, toget...

Rosenthal, Kunstabteilung Selb, grüne Manufakturmarke aufglasur: "Kaiserwalzer", Mod.Nr. 1683, Entw. Lore Fr. Gronau Weißporzellan, unter dem Bode...

Royal Doulton English Renaissance pattern part tea and dinner service, including dinner plates, seven coffee cans, serving plates, sauce boat, cov...

Bust of an Oriental Execution Goldscheider Ceramic colorful painted Height 49 cm Stamped & numbered on the back Büste eines Orientalen Ausführung...

Zsolnay vase with handle Pécs Around 1880 Porcelain & faience Colorful and gold painted floral decoration Underglaze blue five-church, mark wit...

Victorian silver carving knife and fork, with silver handles and silver blades/prongs, hallmarked Birmingham 1851, maker's mark JG, together with ...

Sugar bowl Old Vienna Biedermeier Silver marked Length 14 cm, depth 9 cm, height 10 cm Weight 480 g Zuckerdose Alt Wien Biedermeier Silber gemarkt...

Beer mug with depiction of Crown Prince Rudolf Pewter lid, inside inscription "Crown Prince of Austria" Clear glass with cut decorations Height 14...

Odiot, Paris: große ovale Deckelschale, Odiot/ Paris handgetriebene Deckelschale aus Frankreich, Deckel dreifach getreppt mit stilisiertem Pinienz...

Lot 903

Pokal, Böhmen

Cup Bohemia Around 1840/50 Uranium glass, faceted, cut with surrounding floral gold decoration, insects and birds in enamel decoration Height 20 c...

Meissen porcelain plate After a motif by Gerard Dou The old schoolmaster Diameter 23,5 cm Porzellan Teller Meissen Nach Motiv von Gerard Dou Der a...

Edwardian silver mounted dressing table items, comprising hand mirror and clothes brush, hallmarked Birmingham 1919 &1920, together with a pair of...

Lot 909

Pokal, Böhmen

Cup Bohemia 2nd half 19th century Colorless glass partially glazed yellow Carved hunting depiction on the wall Height 21.4 cm Pokal Böhmen 2. Häl...

Biedermeier Ranft beaker with lid 19th century White milk glass Lid chased & cast brass, figural & decorative elements all around, gilt Total heig...

Staatlich Meissen, Unterglasurblaue Schwertermarke, nach 1945: Moccaservice f. 8 Pers, "Deutsche Blume" Form "Neuer Ausschnitt" polychrome Blumenm...

Stick vase Probably Daum Nancy Colorless glass (ice glass), underlaid in the lower area Floral decoration in enamel painting, gilt Height 26.5, d...


Silver Auctions

Add some shine to your collection with these antique and vintage silver auctions. With hundreds of live and timed auctions every week of vintage silver goods, the saleroom is the best place to discover the hard-to-find silver pieces you're looking for. Items listed on the saleroom include cutlery, bowls, dishes, trays, models, plates, jugs, candlesticks, teapots, cups, vases, napkin rings, sugar bowls, ladles, antique cigarette cases, photo frames, coffee pots, tea sets, and more. The convenience of online auctions means you can place winning bids and secure the items you want from the comfort of, well anywhere with an internet connection. Create your account to set up alerts, add items to your watch list, set up reminders, and purchase antique and vintage silver at auction today.

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