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A subscription to the Price Guide is required to view results for auctions ten days or older. Click here for more information
Triang Forts - 'Castle Series' - 'Harlech Castle', Boxed. Unchecked for completeness. Condition generally appears Fair overall with a generally Po...
Britains - A Group of Boxed World War 1 Sets & Accessories. Comprising: Set No. 00159 'Bombed Street Scene' (incomplete - 3 x building sections & ...
Britains - From Set No. 11 'The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)', Unboxed. 17 figures in total, 1904 version with oval bases. All bases clearly da...
Harvey & Sacul - A Group of Gordon Highlanders Etc. Conditions generally appear Good to Good Plus overall. See photo.
Timpo & Others - A Group of Guardsmen Figure Etc. Conditions generally appear Good to Good Plus overall. See photo.
JoHillCo (John Hill & Co) - A Group of Highlanders Figure Etc. Comprising 60mm Highland Pipers & 54mm Lowland officers & men at slope. Conditions ...
Soldiers by Bob (U.S.A.) - Canadian Light Infantry Band. Conditions generally appear Good Plus to Excellent overall. See photo.
Wend-Al & Quiralu - A Group of Guardsmen Figures. Conditions generally appear Good to Good Plus overall. See photo.
Britains - Set No. 2075 '7th Queen's Own Hussars'. Conditions generally appear Good Plus overall, contained in a non-original box. See photo.
Ducal, Soldiers by Bob (U.S.A.) & Other - A Group of Figures. Includes 'Band of the Women's Army Corps' & others. Conditions generally appear Good...
A Group of Lead Trees & Building / Diorama Pieces. Building parts are various materials. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good Plus overall. Se...
Tinplate Flats & Wargaming Figures - A Mixed Group. Flats comprise of French Foreign Legion and Prussian Infantry. Wargaming figures appear to be ...
Historex - Horse-Drawn Ambulance, Cavalry & Infantry Figures. Plastic issues. Ambulance is in artillery team box. Conditions generally appear Fair...
Unknown Maker - A Pair of African / Zulu Chief Style Huts. Appear to be plastic / resin. Approx. dimensions: height 12cm x diameter 20cm. Conditio...
Elastolin, Lineol & Similar Makers - A Group of Figures, Accessories & Empty Set Box. Includes pre-war composite plus some modern plastic figures....
Various Makers - A Large Group of Lead Figures & Accessories. Also includes some EMPTY set boxes. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overall...
Corgi, Dinky & Other Makers - A Group of Small-Scale Lead Soldiers. Various scales including 25mm & 35mm plus EMPTY Bussler Miniatures set boxes. ...
Britains & Similar Makers - A Group of Spare Artillery Ammunition. Mostly lead/metal but also some plastic mortar shells. Conditions generally app...
Unknown Maker - A Group of Lead Figures with "Working" Parachutes. Appears to be 10 hard plastic parachutes (20.5cm in diameter) with 9 x figures....
Del Prado / Osprey Publishing - A Large Quantity of Magazines. Comprising: FULL SET of 'Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars' Series (issues 1- 120); FU...
Britains - Set No. 81 '17th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers', Boxed. Three horses dated 12/12/1902. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overa...
Britains - Set No. 16 '3rd Foot, East Kent Regiment "The Buffs" ', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overall but may include repaint...
Britains - Set No. 134 'Japanese Infantry', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overall (may include repaints), contained in a general...
Britains - Set No. 1583 'West Yorkshire Regiment', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overall (may include paint re-touches), contain...
Britains - Set No. 1629 'Types of the Canadian Forces - Lord Strathcona's Horse', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overall (may inc...
Britains - From Set No. 154 'Prussian Infantry'. Eleven figures, most are marked 'Deposé' (some very faint) and dated 16/02/1908. Conditions gener...
Britains - From Set 110 'Devonshire Regiment' & Others. Comprising 11 figures from set 110 plus 5 figures from set 225 'The King's African Rifles'...
Britains - From Set 312 'Grenadier Guards in Greatcoats' & Others. Comprising 8 figures from set 312 plus 8 Scots Guards Pipers figures. Condition...
Britains - From Set 137 'Army Medical Service'. Comprising: 32 figures & 9 stretchers. Various issues. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good Pl...
Britains - A Group of Assorted Guardsmen Lead Figures. Various sets / issues. Also included: a Royal Doulton Guardsman Jug. Conditions (figures) g...
Britains - From Set 138 'Cuirassiers' - A Group of 12 Mounted Figures. Also includes a standing Scots Greys officer & an officer-type figure with ...
Britains - King's Own Scottish Borderers (1953). Eleven figures plus a Royal Artillery Officer. Conditions generally appear Fair to Good overall (...
Britains Zulu War - Set No. 20047 'Rorke's Drift Storehouse Building', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Near Mint overall, contained in a Near M...
Britains WWII - Set No. 25017 'RAF 617 Squadron - The Dambusters 70th Anniversary Commemorative S...
Britains WWII - Set No. 25017 'RAF 617 Squadron - The Dambusters 70th Anniversary Commemorative Set, 1943', Boxed. Condition generally appears Nea...
Britains WWII - Set No. 41165 'British VE Day Set', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Near Mint overall, contained in a Near Mint set box with ou...
Britains Limited Edition - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising set nos: 41151 'Royal Air Force Band'; 5187 'The Bahamas Police Band' & 5195 'The Lif...
Britains Limited Edition - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising set nos: 5187 'The Bahamas Police Band'; 5184 'The Life Guards' & 5289 'The Royal Mar...
Britains - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising set nos: 5991 'Scots Guards: Colour Party with State Colour'; 3 x 00294; 40193; 40196; 40199; 5928; 4...
Britains & Corgi - A Group of Boxed / Cased Ceremonial Sets. Comprising: various W. Britain Collection sets in Perspex cases plus a Corgi 1902 Sta...
Corgi Icons - A Group of Boxed Scots Guards. Comprising: 'Mounted Scots Guard' plus 16 x bandsmen single figure packs. Also includes 'Colour Guard...
Corgi Icons - A Group of Boxed Single-Figure Packs. Comprising: 5 x 'Life Guard'; 5 x 'Blues & Royals'; 4 x 'Piper The Highlanders' & others. Cond...
Corgi Forward March - A Group of Boxed Single-Figure Packs. Comprising: 'Heroes', 'Leaders' & 'Special Forces'. 1:32 scale. Conditions generally a...
The Collectors Showcase & First Legion - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising: CS00208 '101st Airborne Pak Howitzer...'; NAP0478 & NAP0479. Condition...
Bengurion Models - A Pair of Boxed Military Vehicles. Comprising: GS47 'Sherman Firefly 17 Pdr Gun' & GS110 'M7 Priest 105mm SPG US'. Conditions g...
John Tunstill 'Soldiers' Soldiers' - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising: 'Footguards'; 2 x 'Infantry'; 'Royal Artillery' & 'Bethnal Green Volunteer...
John Tunstill 'Soldiers' Soldiers' - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising: 6 x Gordon Highlanders sets (set nos: 2 x 306; 307; 308; 310 & 311). Condi...
Britains 'Wild West' & 'American Civil War' - A Pair of Boxed Sets. Comprising: 7434 'Confederate Gun Team & Limber' & 'Confederate Infantry'. Con...
Britains 'Wild West Models' Series - Set No. 7464 'Federal Gun Team & Limber', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Excellent overall (some figures ...
Britains Deetail - 'American Civil War' Series - Set No. 7425 'Confederate Forces', Boxed. Conditions generally appear Near Mint overall, containe...
Britains Swoppets - American War of Independence - RARE Shop Counter Display Boxes. Comprising: 2 x Limited Edition Bi-Centennial Anniversary 1776...
Britains Herald - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising sets 7590 & 4596 both titled 'Trojan Warrior Boxed Set'; plus Set 4590 'Roman Chariot'. 1970s ...
Britains Herald - A Group of Boxed Sets. Comprising sets 4401, 4406 & 4415 all titled 'Knights Boxed Set' (latter two set numbers are missing from...
Timpo - Set Ref. No. 243 'The Prairie Rocket', Battery Operated Train Set, Boxed. 1980s issue - Yugoslavian Production. Figures and instructions a...
Timpo / Sears 'Stagecoach Attack' Set, Boxed. "An Authentic Timpo Wild West Set". 1970s issue - produced exclusively for Sears, Roebuck & Co, Chic...
Timpo - Wild West Collection - Set Ref. 259 'Fort Defiant', Boxed. 1972 issue. Condition generally appears Excellent overall, contained in a gener...
Timpo - Wild West Series - Set Ref. 258 'Indian Village', Boxed. Post-1972 issue. Condition generally appears Excellent overall, contained in a ge...
Timpo - Wild West Series - Set Ref. 257 'Wild West Outpost', Boxed. First Issue, 1970. Condition generally appears Excellent overall, contained in...
Timpo - Wild West Collection - Set Ref. 254 '7th Cavalry Encampment', Boxed. Pre-1972 issue. Condition generally appears Excellent overall, contai...
Timpo - Wild West Collection - Set Ref. 253 'Indian War Party', Boxed. 1972 issue. Condition generally appears Excellent overall, contained in a g...
Timpo - Wild West Collection - A Pair of Boxed Sets. Comprising Set Refs: 251 'Gunsmith's' & 263 'Corral'. Circa 1968 issue. Conditions generally ...