Fotokamera Primar Primarflex II SLR 6X6
Fotokamera Primar Primarflex II SLR 6X6
Fotokamera Primar Primarflex II SLR 6X6
Bermpohl Naturfarbenkamera mit Etikett "Künstler Kamera", 1930 Bermpohl & Co., Berlin. Wichtiges Exponat aus der Geschichte der Farbphotographie....
Assorted collection of photographic equipment including Nikon DSLR camera, lens and accessories, Nikon drive, Bronica 35mm back film, Minolta SLR ...
Collection of various cine camera lenses, including Wray, Taylor, Hobson, Kern, Yvar, Ross, Olympus HBM, Dallmeyer, Schneider etc.
A Rare 1930's Ihagee of Dresden Exakta C Single Lens Reflex 127 Roll Film Camera having Plate Back Adaptor and Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 7.5cm f/2.8 ...
Kinoptik 300mm cine camera lens in makers case
A 1930s Leica 1 camera No. 44676 with retailers mark for Pollock and Co Limited, 50 Grafton Street, Dublin
Two Nikon SLR electronic cameras, models D3000 and D3200 together with a quantity of various Nikon lenses
Nikon FM 35mm camera with Nikkor lens Condition as shown in photos, has had some wear to body and lens
Three Asahi Pentax cameras, two Olympus 35mm cameras and a quantity of various lenses and miscellaneous accessories
A Leica IIIc camera No. 512705 in leather case (requiring slight attention) together with a Leica I:45 lens, light meter and accessories and two L...
A mahogany and aluminium folding plate camera by Shew and Co. London with additional mahogany mounted plates
A small assortment of cameras and binoculars including Rollei 35 S, Carl Zeiss binoculars 7 x 50 B etc.
A Franke & Heidecke Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex camera with Planar 1:3.5 f=75 mm Zeiss and Heidosmat 1:2.8/75 lenses, in leather case, serial numb...
A Mamiya C3 Twin Lens Reflex 6x6 medium format Camera with Mamiya Sekor 80mm f/2.8 Lens, original Lens Cap, soft case and lanyard.
A Canon EOS 650 35mm Camera Outfit incl. EOS 650 Body, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 Prime Lens, a Canon EF 70-210mm f/4 Zoom Lens, various Filters, accesso...
A German Makina folding plate camera with accessories, folding plates and instructions
A collection of vintage cameras including a Wray Stereographic, a Voitlander, kodak, box Brownie and a Bell & Howell cine camera generally good c...
Paillard Bolex H16 16mm camera in case, together with lenses, film and other accessories Case does have a small dent and wear as shown in photos. ...
Studio plate camera, together with various stands and accessories by Bill Cliff
Thornton Pickard 'Amber ', mahogany cased plate camera in case No broken parts.
A mahogany and brass three quarter plate camera, maker Watson & Son, London, with black leather bellows and fitted Watson 6 1/2 x 4 3/4 lens, fou...
Box containing a quantity of various professional cine items including 35mm Eclair magazines, 16mm film camera, lens, battery EEV image intensifie...
Rolleiflex 3.5A film camera serial no. 1275786, having original box and handbook with accessories Some wear to case. Some minor surface scratching...
Rolleicord twin lens camera in original leather case, together with two other twin lens cameras
Nikon D3 400 digital camera with lens
A late 19th/early 20th century lacquered brass Camera Lucida, maker Troughton & Simms, London, and one other small cased example, unsigned, (2)
A brass mounted mahogany Sanderson hand camera by Houghton - Butcher of London with leather case, instructions and additional mahogany plates
A pair of antique bowling woods by William Skyes of Horbury, a Hornby Dublo battery control Unit, a vintage 3D View-Master with Treasure Island an...
A LEICA III CAMERA AND FIVE OTHER VINATGE CAMERAS comprising a Leica 'III' camera fitted with a Leitz Elmar f=5cm 1:3.5 lens, registration no. 406...
Early 20th Century mahogany and brass plate camera in fitted case
Two 35mm digital film cameras, various compact cameras, accessories and manuals, etc.
Two box cameras, together with a quantity of other cameras etc.
A Sanderson Deluxe brass and mahogany mounted folding plate camera and a selection of various accessories, lenses etc
A collection of Cameras & photographic equipment including a Rollei A110 camera boxed, a Rollei 35 T, an Olympus OM 10 camera, a Petri 8 cine came...
A Walter Kunik Peti miniature camera with original leather case.
A group of vintage cameras and accessories including Nikor FM3455140 with 43-86mm lens, Braun Paxette and Canon Canonet QL19.
A mixed collection of cameras and accessories. Comprising four cameras including two Prakica and one Olympus together with a range of lenses and e...
Ernemann Dresden Germany, circa 1890, brass-bound, fitted with brass lens case. 23 cm. high; 35 cm. wide; 18 cm. deep ANTIQUE CAMERAS Tuesday 11t...
' Photo Sniper lens ' in original box with Zenit camera body and accessories
A vintage Glimpses of India book, a grand photographic history of the land of Antiquity, the vast Empire of the East with 500 superbly reproduced ...
A brass mounted mahogany folding plate camera by Sanderson together with a selection of photographic plates and an oak three-piece tripod
Canon EF 17-40mm F/4 L Luxury Autofocus Camera Lens Working w/ Lens Cap - Canon EF 17-40mm F/4 L Luxury Autofocus Camera Lens w/ Lens Cap This len...
Canon EF 100-400mm F/4.5-5.6 L IS Luxury Vintage Autofocus Camera Lens - Canon EF 100-400mm F/4.5-5.6 L IS Luxury Vintage Autofocus Camera Lens Th...
A Weltaflex Twin Lens Reflex 120 roll film Camera (serial No. 54650) having a Rectan 75mm f/3.5 Lens and original leather case.
Brass Ross London Airo F4.5 lens, TP Cooke F45 lens with a mahogany and brass mounted plate camera by Sans Hunter & Co, London, together with anot...
An early 20th Century camera tripod 'The Giraffe' Ashfords patent. Of wooden construction with metal joints and camera mount in separate wooden bo...
Canon EOS 300 digital camera with quantity of film cameras, lenses and other camera accessories
Quantity of various base plates and accessories for professional cine use and broadcast cameras, including Sony, Arriflex etc.
A Nikkormat camera and other Nikon telescopic lens and others in a fitted case.
A cased Halina 35 camera and a cased Zeiss Ikon camera.
Vintage Scientific and photographic equipment, to include Air Ministry marked camera lenses, several cased and boxed amp and volt meters, Kodak Re...
A collection of cameras and accessories to include a Canon Powershot G10 digital camera, a Canon EOS RT camera body, a Canon zoom lens 35-105mm an...
Vintage and later cameras, digital cameras, video recorders accessories and binoculars including Canon T50, Fujifilm E900, Fujifilm Zoom Date 125S...
Olympus OM2 camera with lens, mid 20th Century cine camera, cased piccolo (at fault), and a silver plated key case
Box containing a quantity of various 35mm cameras by Minolta, Pentax, Contaflex and others
Nikon F301 film camera with lens, together with another lens and various accessories
Fotokamera K.W. GUTHE & THORSCH Pilot 6 SLR